Custom Screens and Overlays

RackEmApp already has some great functionality for arena screens and stream overlays, but they are branded as RackEmApp. These are fine for the majority of purposes.

However, some leagues want a more custom experience for a variety of different reasons. We are happy to facilitate this, but as this is classed as custom work, we will need to charge separately for it.

Why is this chargable?

Everything we try and do, we do for our whole base. This adds value to the product, and we are always happy to invest to improve the product.

However doing work for one specific league does not add overall value to the product. Therefore for us to justify spending our time on something for one person/organization at the expense of other value-add requirements, or spending time away frommour families or playing ourselves in order to complete the work, we need to be compensated.

We charge an hourly rate of £30 per hour for custom work.

What is the process?

We’ll chat with you to understand the requirements and agree a scope. Generally speaking we recommend you provide the graphics as design is not our strong point.

With the proviso that your graphics will be provided, we’ll provide guidance on the sorts of things to consider and provide an estimate. The estimate is not finalized until after the graphics are provided to ensure the requirement is feasible.

Nothing is formalised until we issue you a Scope of Works (SOW). This details what we intend to deliver, and at what price.

Until we have an agreed confirmation and 50% deposit we will not start the work.

Payment is due within 7 days of being put live. Failure to pay will result in your league account being suspended.

Example Customizations

Here are some examples of the work we have done.

Stream overlay
Stream overlay, player name screens, arena screen with shotclock, tableside screens
Fully bespoke random draw screen