Knowledgebase Uncategorized

Social Media Integration

We’re delighted to now be able to integrate to social media platforms from RackEmApp. At RackEmApp were passionate about driving and growing grass roots pool, and being able to seamlessly engage with your members and player is an essential part of that. Our Social Media Integration will connect to support platforms (Currently Facebook) in order […]


Multi League

Multi League allows you to run leagues on different nights and combining competitions. For example, you could have some divisions play on a Monday, and some play on a Thursday. Players can be registered to a team on both a Monday AND a Thursday, and competitions for individuals and competitions can take place in a […]

Features Knowledgebase

Mini Knockout Rounds

There are many ways that leagues operate competitions. Some places allow a time period for players to arrange their own matches. Some have everyone in the same venue all at the same time. But some places arrange for a bunch of mini knockouts to take places at various tables and venues on what would be […]

Features Knowledgebase

App Shortcuts

One of the pieces of feedback we get regularly is that they find it cumbersome to find the address they need to go to in order to login. In fact, we have enabled technology within RackEmApp for people to add the shortcut to their home screens so it behaves as if it were a native […]


Scorecards Explained

Completing your electronic scorecards is central to the automation within RackEmApp, and requires both Home and Away captains to utilise the system. It works on a basic data entry process (by the home captain) and an approval (by the away captain). Matches can not be progressed through the system without the participation of both captains. […]


Request For Information

Hello! It’s great to welcome you to RackEmApp. Thanks for enquiring about us and what our platform can bring to your pool league. RackEmApp was built by people that are passionate about Pool. We are dedicated to using technology to drive engagement through modern methods to help grow the game, whilst making the administration of […]


Preparing Your League Members

Introducing RackEmApp is likely a big change to your league, particularly if you are coming from a paper based system. Adopting technology can be tough, but the legaues that have adopted RackEmApp have found the experience to be a little less painful than expected, thanks to putting in a little groundwork to help them along […]



Note: This article is utilizing older screenshots and serves as a guide to how the process works in general, and is not intended as a “How To” The recording of scorecards is the central requirement for any pool league. Knowing who played and who won being most important, but also validation of the scorecard as […]


Competition Management

Competitions are competed in in many pool leagues, however there are also organizations, promotors, streamers that also run competitions away from a core pool league. It could be your friday flyer, your weekend open, or your weekly shootout. We’ve got the functionality to support you. On top of the basic operations of your competition we […]


League Operations

RackEmApp is designed to be self service, drivine by captains and players to make running your pool league easy. But there are sometimes some adminsitrative tasks that you need to perform for various different reasons, and this article covers those tasks. Content Page Management Every league needs to run some form of basic content which […]