Double Elimination (Beta)

Double elimination competitions are in Beta. Please flag any issues you find to

The fundamental principles of the Double Elimination system is that when you lose a match, you go into a second pool of entries. Draws and then completed based upon a winners side and a losers side.

Because of the complexities of operating a Double Elimination competition, we have decided that they will be operated uder a template structure in RackEmApp. The old flexible system we had was too confusin for end users and meant that tournaments took longer to complete. This new method is more efficient, technically simpler and ultimately better for players.

Setting up a Double Elimination requires you to have reached the Round stage of the Competition setup, and this must be the first round in the competition. Although this is your “First” roumd, the system will create all subsequent rounds as part of this process, automatically.

When you choose the Round Type: Double Elimination, you get a list of templates to choose from. This is a pre-filtered list based upon the number of entries in your competition, so it will only display templates valid to your field

Where it says “To last…” that means once there are x competititors remaining it switches to Single Elimination/Straight Knockout format

We currently support field sizes of

  • 128 (to last 64, 32, 16)
  • 64 (To last 32, 16, 8)
  • 32 (To last 16, 8, 4)
  • 16 (To last 8, 4)

Additionally, we support the following field sizes. For these the top (n) seeds (or n players drawn randomly) start in Winners Round 1, allowing your top seeds a free pass to the next round.

  • 96 (to last 64, 32, 16) [32 seeds progressed]
  • 48 (to last 32, 16, 8) [16 seeds progressed]
  • 24 (to last 16, 8, 4) [8 seeds progressed]

Match Setup

Each round is fully independent, so you can set different values for the Winners and losers Race To’s, in each round, but to set the templated value for the rounds, you can define them here.

Draw Setup

With a double elimination, executing the draw will also pre-draw all subsequent rounds, and will automatically track winners through the competition as they progress.

Manually drawing will also display seeds so that you can have your top seeds avoid each other til latter in the tournament.