Predetermined Knockout

A predetermined knockout is designed to allow you to fully draw the entire knockout tournament, with each match automatically progressing the winner to the next round. This allows your tournament to effectively run itself.

Match Setup

The match setup screen allows you to set up the race to/best of information for the round. It will set this for all rounds, however you can overrid these settings each round. The match time is used if you want to play to a match closck that can be displayed on stream or in an arena.

Draw Setup

The draw for a predetermined knockout can be done in 2 ways.

By default, it will cascade results down based upon the previous winner. This means, similar to the diagram below, you can seed entries to ensure that the top seeds are separated to the final

Alternatively, checking the below box will randomize each round. it means you can’t see a bracketed view, but it does mix things up in terms of who plays who.

You can then either Manually Draw Matches for the draw, which is essential if you are seeding the draw. This allows you to do an offline draw, perhaps on a live stream or if you need it to be witnessed.

Alternatively, pressing Automatically Draw Matches will fully randomise all matches using a shuffle mechanism.

Viewing The Draw

Once the draw is complete via whatever method you choose, it becomes visible on the screen. You can see all the rounds and click the round to see the draw.

You can see the match numbers and how it puts the winners into the next match.

Start Round

Whever way you choose to do your draw, when you are happy with it you can press Start Round. Until you start the round, matches don’t appear on thre website, nor in players apps.

You can find out how scores are entered and how the competition progresses in the Round Execution page.

There are some special caveats to the round execution when doing a predetermind knockout.

  • Once the winner is submitted and committed, then the downstream match will be updated immediately. If there is a mistake made, then changing the winner will not update the downstream match. You need to press the Edit pencil in that match to swap the entry over.
  • The same is true when the walkover button is pressed