Last Man Standing

The Last Man Standing format, popularised by Ultimate Pool events, is a competition where only one match takes place at a time.

The format within RackEmApp has numerous configuration options to help spin in various different changes to the format to suit the need. Lola’s Pool Party, made popular by Mark Boyle, is another good example.

A Last Man Standing round will draw will always draw a single match, but the people it draws can be configured based upon various settings.

Match Setup

The match setup can be configured here in terms of the race to/best of, and also a match clock if it was to be timed match and needed to be shown on stream or in an arena.

Round Setup

The round setup is shown below. In all cases, if it is the first round, the first draw will ignore the options below, which are only utilised in an “Automatic Draw” scenario.

The default behaviour, if no settings are applied, is “Winner stays on”.

  • Winner from the previous round is exempt/immune from this draw – This setting is used when you want the winner to be excluded from the next round. For example, when they win 3 matches that might grant them immunity.
  • Draw both sides of the match irrespective of previous result – This box is checked when you want to fully randomise the match. Utilised for Lola’s Pool Party.

Drawing the matches will either randomise them, or allow you to manually define who is playing who.

Extra Life

Within a Last Man Standing competition, it is possible for you to give any player an Extra Life, through whatever rules you determine. This option appears at the bottom of the competitor list in the Entries screen.

Start Round

Whever way you choose to do your draw, when you are happy with it you can press Start Round. Until you start the round, matches don’t appear on thre website, nor in players apps.

You can find out how scores are entered and how the competition progresses in the Round Execution page.