
End Of Season

The end of the season is always ane xciting time in pool leagues. Who’s going to win the league? Who is going up? Who is in a relegation dogfight? The live scoring and easy interactivity in RackEmApp adds a new element of fun to the end of season shenanegans, and we love to see it.

If it was your first season using RackEmApp, we hope its was a positive, time saving and fun experience for you and your captains and players alike. if not, please do feedback where we can improve, we consider all suggestions we receive.

But when all the matches are finished and the finals are played, you need to close the season out. Usually this would involve a whoe load of admin, updating various websites and documents. But with RackEmApp its easy and provides some interesting little things for your players to engage with.

Ending The League Season

With all games played, disputes resolved and the dust has settled, we need to close the season out. And it’s easy, just 2 button clicks!

Complete Season
Are you really sure?

And thats all you need to do, but read on…

The Roll of Honour

Closing your season will finalize all your league tables and hotshots and archive the season. As such your main page, unless you have a new season prepped up ready to go, will look a bit empty. But whats that at the bottom? A roll of honour you say?

New menu item

We archive and display all the historical information from your past seasons. Final league tables, full competition history, finalized player stats…. its all there and all still interactive.

Roll of Honour by Season

You can see it by Season, By Division or Competition.

Trophy Cabinet

Ok, so we have our winners and runners up… Lets reward them! The physical trophies are all well and good but you can;t show them off to your mates or display them electronically anywhere in your pool profile can you…. Can you? YES YOU CAN! Our new Trophy Cabinet displays trophies for competitions and the the league, and will award medals to individual players in those teams winning team events.

What Next?

Well, next season of course! Get into your Season Wizard and lets go again!