

From 1st September 2024 we will be introducing a paid license for organizations that only use competitions. Team leagues continue to be RackEmApp bread and butter, and will always have free and unrestricted access to Competitions. However for those who only use it for competitions, streaming etc you will need a valid subscription.

We have had to introduce this, as we are growing more and more, and I am spending more time supporting competition organizers than I am team leagues. Given that it is the team leagues paying for the software, this is an unfair imbalance, and it allows me to justify spending time supporting those organizations.

  • The licensing system will be in place on 1st September 2024
  • The subscription will limit your competition to a certain number of entrants
  • You will still be able to run as many competitions as you wish
  • There is no functional difference in any of the tiers aside from the size of competition you can run.
  • You will get 2 months free if you choose to pay annually
  • All payments made online, and subscriptions securely managed by Stripe, our payment partner
  • You can canel your subscription at any time, but your subscription will run util the end of what you have paid for

The licensing tiers will be as follows

  • Free – For competitions up to 16 entries
  • Bronze – For competitions up to 32 entries – £5 per month/£50 per year
  • Silver– For competitions up to 64 entries – £10 per month/£100 per year
  • Gold– For competitions with unlimited entries – £15 per month/£150 per year
  • VIP – Team Leagues Only – Full and unrestricted access included as long as you keep using RackEmApp for your league operations