
Competition Series

Have you ever wanted to run a Tour of competitions, which automatically scored and ranked the competitors automatically? In RackEmApp, now you can! Accessible via the Competitions menu, you can now create unlimited Series/Tours, with unlimited Events/Competitions and unlimited Competitors.

Competitors can enter for the whole tour, or for single competitions within the tour, and competitions can support all our competition types.

From here you can create a new series, or select one to edit it.

Series Setup

Series Details

The details screen is the fundamentals behind your series. It is what drives the content that appears on your website.

  • Name – The name of your series
  • Players Per Entry – The number of players each entry is for. For a singles tour this is 1, for doubles this is 2
  • Entry Fee – The amount your entrants need to pay for the tour. They can still
  • Points Per Round – This allows point reward rules as “Per Round” and when you complete the competition you get s aseries of boxes to determine how many ranking points awarded based upon the round they reach.
  • Points Per Win – This allows a point reward based upon the number of wins across the entire competition.
  • Pay Online – When entering online, offer the ability to pay by card.
  • Pay By Bank – When entering online, display the bank details for bank transfers of entry fees
  • Description – A Rich text description that will give your competitors all they need to know about the tour.
  • Entry Criteria – ALlows you to describe the entry criteria for your competition
  • Rules – Any competition specific rules you want to mention, or a link the the ruleset being used

Scheduled Events

This is where you set up the competitions that you want to run as a series or tour. Its a very simple screen where you can provide a name, venue and date/time for your tour event.

This effectively creates a competition which you can fully manage in the Competitions section, but also provides a button to jump you straight to manage the competition.


This screen allows you to enter people to the series. Adding an entry here will enter them to all current competitions in this series.

Awarding Points

Points are awarded at the completion of a competition. Just before you press the Complete Competition button, you should read and complete this form which will allow you to enter the points per round – which as it states, are not cumulative.

It is possible however to award points per round and points per win, if it is desired.

The Series Page

All of this drives a publicly facing page for your series you can share with the world, that provides information about all the competitions and a live rankings system updated after each competition is completed. It can be found in your Competition Series menu.