
Fixtures and Results

Whilst the bread and butter of RackEmApp is around captain’s completing scorecards themselves, there are occasions when either the captains are incapable due to a variety of factors, or more likely to correct a mistake.

You can find this in League Management > Fixtures and Results.

The Fixtures and Results List

The list of fixtures and results is categorized by matchweek, and if you are using Multi-League, then by Match Day also.

Click on the + button for any matchweek to expand it and see the matches.

You’ll have access to all of the results for that match week grouped by division.

A fixture that has had no activity performed on it appears as a vs. This means it is a fixture and no-one has tried to access a scorecard for it – captain or administrator.

A fixture on the list may show as 0-0. This is referred to as a draft fixture. Whenever a captain or admin accesses a scorecard for an as yet unplayed fixture, it creates all the database structure for that result. As such it exists, albeit completely unplayed. These are obviously safe to delete if necessary, but they are usually fine to keep – unless, you have altered your match format or are trying to unstaart your season.

A result whicb is either in play or completed will show with a score in it.

Tapping the score will show you the public facing view of the scorecard. But there are a bunch of other buttons here that are important to understand.

Deletes the result. This is permanent and irreversible.
Accesses the presentation options for the match. Provides the ability to push a match to a table for streaming purposes, but also to leverage arena screens.
Allows you to score the match independently as a referee – useful if you are streaming the match
Allows you to reverse the fixture, swapping the home and away teams. This will not swap over any other fixtures later in the season, for example the other way round version of the fixture.
Allows you to reschedule the match in the case of a postponement
Accesses the editable version of the scorecard for admins to make changes.

Editing Scorecards

Use this button next to any fixture to edit the scorecard for a result.

You can then edit all the properties of the scorecard.

  • Breaker
  • Lock in status for a frame
  • Dish
  • Score
  • Player selections
  • Frame status (this is the one usually forgotten about!)

And at the bottom of the screen you can see/alter the submission status of a result.

To save your changes, use one of the buttons at the top of the screen.

  • Update will update the scorecard as-is. You should use this when making an edit to an in-playe match.
  • Update and Commit will update the scorecard, mark it as completed, and update the league tables and player statistics. You would usually use this when making a correction after it has been finalized, or to complete a scorecard a captain has forgotton to approve.
  • Uncommit will simply uncommit the scorecard, essentially making it incomplete and remove it from league tables and player stats.

There are also some shortcut buttons that will help you when editing scorecards.

  • Home Forfeit will set all players (home and away) as “Forfeit Frame” and mark each frame as an Away win and set the frame as approved. This is useful whn a match has been forfeitted by the home team.
  • Away Forfeit will set all players (home and away) as “Forfeit Frame” and mark each frame as a Home win and set the frame as approved. This is useful when a match has been forfeitted by the away team.
  • Approve All Frames – This will set the frame status for all frames as approved.

To save your