
Season: Fixtures

When you press Next after the Calendar Dates, it will generate your fixtures based upon the fixtures. These are based upon a pre-determined framework which we hold that works in tandem with the team numbers defined in your Division setup The first time you access this screen, it will automatically generate fixtures for you. If […]


Season: Calendar Dates

Your season calendar is the timeline in which your league operates. It needs to account for match weeks, and potential breaks for bank holidays, major sporting events or even to allocate a day to play a competition round. This is the stage at which you plug that information in. Usually, you will have an idea […]


Season: Divisions

This screen allows you to set up the divisions that you will use in your season, and assign teams into them. These are a blank canvas each season. You can restructure to your hearts content between seasons, as you need to assign the teams at the start of every season. There is no automation in […]


Season: Teams

This screen in the season wizard is where you can see everything about your team entries for the upcoming season that have been approved. It is also where you can import team and player data, or register teams. Player Data Before we proceed, a word about player data. It is important to udnerstand that in […]


Match Formats

Match formats are the structure of your scorecards. They allow a match to be split into sections of frames consisting of 1 or more players. Access the scorecards through Your Organization > Match Formats. A Match Format is a collection of Match Sections, which is a collection of Frames. Frames are associated as Types which […]



Within RackEmApp, teams, matches and competitions can all be assigned to Venues and then in turn a Table. In fact, for team based seasons, it is a pre-requisite, as a team needs to be assigned a venue and table to ensure there are no fixtures clashes with other teams sharing a table. Within your vanues, […]


League Table Profiles

A league table profile defines how your league table operates. This is primarily based around what points are scored under which conditions, but also allows you to choose how it will treat rows that have the same number of points. League Table Profiles allow you to have entirely different scoring systems per division, for ultimate […]