
League Table Profiles

A league table profile defines how your league table operates. This is primarily based around what points are scored under which conditions, but also allows you to choose how it will treat rows that have the same number of points. League Table Profiles allow you to have entirely different scoring systems per division, for ultimate […]


Region 7 User Guide

Hello, and thanks for participating in the Region 7 Trial for going paperless with RackEmApp. The raison d’etre for RackEmApp is to make things simple for players, captains and league administrators and provide a great level of service. Using RackEmApp will save collaters countless hours of data entry, whilst allowing players great insight and instant […]


Mobile App Beta

All the information you need to know to trial the app Welcome! Thanks so much for volunteering to try the new Mobile App. The need for this app to be put together so hurriedly originally was because of the amount of load that is going through the server, partocularly on Thursday evenings. Whilst this has […]


ELO Ratings

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Competition Tie Breaks

Usually competition matches are races and the thought of a tie-break isn’t happening too frequently. However with the advent of new match formats like timed matches, sets matches, but also for team competitions, sometimes you need to settle the score another way. So we’ve added a configuration to allow you to do this. Recording the […]


Player DeDuplication

One of the things that tends to happen for a variety of different reasons is that player data gets duplicated. Some of these are system generated and usually related to drafted online team registrations. Some of them however are not, and we talk about those later in the article. We have produced a tool which […]


July 2023 Newsletter

Hi there! Summer is in full swing, and if like me you have small kids of school age, the next 6 weeks are about to become challenging as you try and keep them occupied during the day without maiming themselves or each other. It’s the summer holidays that make me thankful for them going to […]



One of the things that most leagues need is quick and easy access to a decent shot clock and match timer. We’ve now made one that will run as a standalone, but also, as a remote timer for use with the in-venue technology. But more on that later. It supports the following: To access it, […]


Custom Menu Items

We were recently asked to be able to extend the content management side of things so that you can add your own menu items in, which is very useful if you want to highlight something and make it easier for your users to reach. You can reach it in Content Management> Custom Menu Items You […]


Newsletter June 2023

Well, summer is finally here, and anyone thats tried to play in some of the sweatbox venues that are about will probably be cursing it as mush as I am. But to paraphrase Chris Melling on Ultimate Pool Commentary this month, I’d still rather lose than wear a glove. We’ve been really busy this month and are […]